Mexicrave Mixed Edition
Everything you see is what you get! This box contains a variety of sweet and salty treats, chocolates, baked goods and spicy items made for those with mixed cravings. 42 items are included in this assortment with FREE shipping in the U.S:
Pelon pelo rico x1
Vaso practico x1
Mega Flechazos x1
Rockaleta x1
Super rebanaditas sandia x1
Vero Mango x2
Takis x1
Pulparindo extra x2
Pulparindo original x2
Pulparindo melon x2
Portico x5
Gansito x1
Duvalin Bi Sabor choco y vanilla x2
Carlos V x1
Mazapan Chocolate x1
Mazapan x2
Bubu lubu x1
Garampinado x1
Aldama cajeta x1
Corazon Jamoncillo x1
Rellerindos x4
Bubbaloo fresa x3
Bubbaloo platano x3
Duvalin fresa y vanilla x2
* Items can be a choking hazard and cause allergic reaction, caution advised. For more information, see FAQ page.